Vertigo & Deafness Clinic
of Dr. Anirban Biswas
Institute of Neurotology
VIDEO CONSULTATION services is also available at VERTIGO & DEAFNESS CLINIC. For further details please call at any of the following phones numbers:- 9830052580 / 9051352580 /9836002580
Vertigo and Deafness Clinic located in Kolkata, India, is a super-specialized and complete clinic for the diagnosis and treatment of balance disorders. Balance disorders include:- (1) Vertigo or Giddiness (which is a sensation of head spinning), (2) Dizziness and (3) Unsteadiness (i.e., imbalance or Instability). Vertigo and Deafness Clinic also offers facilities for the diagnosis and treatment of all hearing related disorders. This includes the fitting of very high–end sophisticated hearing aids in simulated sound fields through real ear measurements in the most scientific methods. The clinic is equipped with all latest diagnostic gadgets for the accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of vertigo. The same applies for investigations related to the precise diagnosis of dizziness, imbalance, hearing disorders and tinnitus. It also has the latest therapeutic modalities for treating patients having disorders in their balance and / or hearing systems.
The unique feature of Vertigo and Deafness Clinic is its very sophisticated infrastructure for diagnosis and treatment of neurotological disorders. Neurotology is the branch of medical science for management of balance and /or hearing disorders. The clinic is the only one of its kind in this part of the world. Very few clinics worldwide have a comparable set-up for neurotology. The clinic is owned and run by Dr Anirban Biswas who has been practicing in solely in diagnostic and therapeutic neurotology for more than 3 decades. Vertigo and Deafness Clinic has facilities for all investigations related to neurotology.
Diagnostic facilities available at the clinic include the following :- Videonystagmography (VNG), Electronystagmography (ENG), Video Head Impulse Test (VHIT), cervical and ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (c VEMP and o VEMP), Subjective Visual Vertical test (SVV), Dynamic Visual Acuity test (DVA),Functional Head Impulse Test (fHIT), Craniocorpography (CCG), Electrocochleography (ECochG), Stabilometry (static posturography), Nerve Conduction Velocity studies (NCV), Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Test (RNST), NCV Facial Nerve, Auditory Evoked Potentials like BERA , ASSR, etc, OtoAcoustic Emissions(OAE), Audiometry, Tympanometry (including wideband tympanometry) and other tests that are relevant for the accurate diagnosis of vertigo and deafness.
Details of the tests are available in the page titled Services in this website. The clinic is selected for imparting training to junior doctors in neurotology by different professional organisations. It runs the mentorship program of the Indian Academy of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery . It also runs the fellowship program of the Indian Society of Otology. The clinic has a very unique set-up for VESTIBULAR PHYSIOTHERAPY for specialised physical therapy for balance disorder patients. The physiotherapy is conducted by qualified and trained neuro-physiotherapists only for patients suffering from balance and gait disorders.The vestibular physiotherapy unit has some very unique instruments devised by Dr Anirban Biswas. It also has a very sophisticated virtual reality environment for restoring balance by physical therapy.
Tests and services on Neurotology

Audiological Tests
All types of audiological tests viz. PT & Impedance Audiometry, BERA, ASSR detailed DPOAE,EcochG,, hearing aid trials are done in proper acoustically treated environments by qualified audiologists