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Vertigo and Deafness Specialist in Kolkata: Dr. Anirban Biswas
Dr. Anirban Biswas: The Premier Vertigo Specialist in Kolkata
read moreRehabilitation and Neurotology: Enhancing Balance and Functionality
Explore the synergy between rehabilitation and neurotology in enhancing inner ear health and functional healing. Our special, 'Rehabilitation and Neurotology: Improving Balance and Functionality'. Delves into neurotology's vital role in diagnosing and treating inner...
read moreAbout Dr. Anirban Biswas and Vertigo & Daefness Clinic
About Dr. Anirban Biswas Dr. Anirban Biswas is Vertigo & Deafness specialist in Kolkata and Practices in Therapeutics and Diagnostic Neurotology. Neurotology is branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of vertigo (i.e. balance...
read moreExamining Vertigo Medication Costs in Depth
Vertigo Medication Costs Vertigo, a condition causing dizziness and a sensation of spinning, can be very challenging for those it affects. Medications are crucial for many people dealing with vertigo, but their cost raises concerns. In this article, we'll examine all...
read moreRight Vertigo Specialist in Kolkata: Dr. Anirban Biswas
Introduction: Meet Dr. Anirban Biswas: Your Trusted Right Vertigo Specialist in Kolkata Searching for expert care of right vertigo in Kolkata? Dr. Anirban Biswas offers unparalleled care. Boasting years of experience and an in-depth knowledge of vertigo's complexity,...
read moreExpert Diagnosis and Treatment for Vertigo and Deafness
Introduction The presence of deafness and vertigo can present a challenge, affecting the balance of hearing, as well as overall. An expert diagnosis and treatment is essential to manage these conditions. Healthcare professionals with specialization have the ability to...
read moreWhat is so unique about the diagnosis and treatment of ‘VERTIGO’
Introduction Living with deafness and vertigo can be challenging. Both deafness and balance disorders be it vertigo, or unsteadiness or recurrent sinking sensations or dizziness and hearing / auditory system disorders like deafness and tinnitus have a strongly...
read moreThe Multifaceted Nature of Vertigo: 1. Causes 2. Symptoms, and Diagnosis
Introduction: Vertigo is an often misdiagnosed illness characterized by an uncomfortable spinning or whirling feeling that may arise without any physical movement whatsoever. Although vertigo itself isn't considered a separate medical condition, understanding its...
read moreThe functional Head Impulse Test (fHIT)
Introduction:- This is a new investigation in vestibulometry and a very useful addition to the neurotologist’s diagnostic armamentarium. It evaluates the functional status of the rotational vestibulo-ocular reflex (rVOR) of the six semicircular canals at high...
read moreVertigo an overview
The term vertigo indicates a rotating or a spinning sensation. On a broader perspective it also includes the sensation of imbalance or instability. The symptoms of vertigo and imbalance are referred to in medical parlance as ‘Balance disorders’ and signifies a...
read moreWhat is Hearing impairment
Inability to hear properly and distinctly is a major handicap, if not a curse in life. It has multifarious implications and severely impacts the quality of life of all affected individuals. Even a minor hearing loss in one ear has far reaching repercussions. Hearing...
read moreAn update on the current scenario on ethical and rational management of vertigo
Introduction: Disorders of the balance system that includes vertigo/imbalance/dizziness affect a huge portion of the population. Prevalence is 1.8% in young adults and more than 30% in the elderly. 65% of individuals older than 60 years of age experience dizziness or...
read moreVestibular Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy or physical therapy is defined as the treatment of disease, deformity disability by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs i.e., medicines or surgery. Vestibular physiotherapy is physical therapy that helps...
read moreAuthentication of Neurotological Investigations
One of the most commendable and praiseworthy moves of the Medical Council of India (MCI) has been to ensure that all laboratory investigations are supervised and countersigned by a medical graduate registered under the Medical Council of India. When a patient comes...
read moreClinical Practice Guidelines in Neurotology
CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES IN NEUROTOLOGY as proposed by Dr Anirban Biswas put up for ratification by fellow neurotologists with comments. Clinical Practice Guidelines are as defined in the American Academy of Otolaryngology website “statements that include...
read moreDiuretics in Menieres Disease
MENIERE’S DISEASE -- DO DIURETICS HAVE A ROLE IN THERAPY TODAY? In the treatment of Meniere’s disease diuretics have lost the pride of place that it once enjoyed. Diuretics appear to have fallen out of favour of most contemporary neurotologists when it comes to...
read moreVestibular Sedative Drugs – reducing misuse why and how
All pictures presented in this article have been downloaded from different sites in the internet through Google Images.The reader may find the source by searching the caption of each figure in Google Images. Table of Contents Some relevant statistics. 1 The Malady. 2...
read moreAdvocacy for recognising vestibular disorders as a DISABILITY
Should vestibular disorder qualify as a DISABILITY? Vice-President International Neurotological and Equilibriometric Society As per the WHO International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps publication (1),in the context of health, an...
read moreClinical Physiology
Clinical physiology of the balance system. Dr. Anirban Biswas. Maintenance of Balance. CNS collects information about static / dynamic position of the body in relation to the ground and the surroundings from certain sensors in different parts of the body.
read moreHearing Aids
Digital Hearing Aids Sample (i.e. analyse ) incoming speech sounds as well as the ambient noise and then electronically processes the incoming sound which consists of speech and ambient noise and then finally deliver the amplified sound to the user's (i.e. patient's)...
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