The Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR) is an objective test to evaluate the frequency-specific hearing threshold in a hearing impaired child/adult.The ASSR test is used to determine the hearing threshold in different frequencies by an automated process completely objectively i.e., without the subject having to respond subjectively. It is hence a very useful test to assess hearing status in different specific frequencies in small children and in difficult to test adults who cannot or do not respond correctly and relaibly during the hearing tests.. The click-evoked ‘BERA for threshold estimation’ test that is commonly used to determine hearing threshold objectively just gives us a broad idea of the average hearing threshold and that too mainly for the hearing in the high frequency range. ASSR test overcomes this limitation of BERA and gives us the hearing threshold in the different frequencies. ASSR test reports are just like that of a puretone audiometry test and the subject’s hearing threshold level can be ascertained in each of the different frequencies like 500Hz/1000Hz/2000Hz/4000Hz. This is extremely helpful for fitting of digital hearing aids in infants and small children.
Many people suffer from hearing loss. If you are among them – you do not need to feel ashamed. Hearing loss can be countered with hearing aids and other medications. Here are some tips that you can follow if you are undergoing deafness treatment India then you can follow these tips to lead a healthier life-
- If you are using hearing aid then make sure to check if the battery is working or not. If you feel that the aid is not working properly then you may need to visit your therapist and get a new battery for the machine to work properly. Additionally, also make sure to go for regular servicing of the machine to make sure it lasts longer. In case the hearing aid is broken or damaged then contact your clinic for deafness treatment India as soon as possible to get the repair done or for a replacement. You also need to take care of the hearing aid as per instruction.
- If you are having a conversation with someone then it is better to cancel any other noise sound like the TV or music player to get to hear clearly. Surrounding noises can often make it difficult to understand what the others are saying.
- Please do not hesitate to ask the others to repeat their words for a better understanding.
Your doctor at the deafness treatment India clinic will guide you further in this matter.